Test/Quiz Bonus Points
Folks/Guys/People, please note:

(A) Bonus Points

To give a break to those who are doing their best, AND, and, as an insurance against questions that some of you may have found problematic in some way, bonus points have been added to your original scores on Blackboard (UBLearns). (NOTE: This break is available only if you have done the Syllabus Disclaimer Assignment available via Blackboard.)

All Test Scores

(B) Formula for calculating your final course grade (per syllabus)

First, ignore the raw scores posted on Blackboard (use the upgraded scores from this page).
Second, after all scores have been posted on this page at the end of the semester, use this formula:

(A) Tests/quizzes (percent average of all scores--excluding Test 5), worth 60%, so multiply by 0.6
(B) Test 5 worth 20%, so multiply by 0.2  (NOTE: if you did the term paper, then it must be averaged with Test 5 score.)

(C) Final Exam worth 20%, so multiply by 0.2

 And then add together the results for all three items. Finally, look up the points equivalent for letter grades from the syllabus to determine your course grade.

An easy way to do the above calculations is to use this formula in the WolframAlpha computational engine available here.