Christianity, Islam, and Judaism

For your reading assignment, go to the archived page on religion available here:
and locate the sections on Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Then read the articles (most are just one page long, so don't have a cow) on the topics/subtopics in red assigned below for each religion.

You will notice that there are more topics/subtopics on the BBC website than those listed below. You are welcome to read the other topics/subtopics
if you wish
. However, for the purposes of this assignment you are responsible only for the topics below.

Why an assignment only on these three religions you may ask? For five reasons: (1) Together, they are the dominant religions in the world today. (2) Together, they are the dominant religions in the U.S. (3) Together, they dominate the news when religion is involved. (4) Viewed in historical terms, together, they have helped to give shape to the modern world as we know it today. (5) Time does not permit us to get to other religions (however, you are welcome to explore the ones that interest you via the same BBC religion page).

  • Christianity at a glance
  • Beliefs
    • The basics of Christian beliefs
  • Subdivisions
    • Roman Catholic Church

  • Islam at a glance
  • Beliefs
    • Basic articles of faith
  • Subdivisions
    • Sunni and Shi'a

  • Judaism at a glance
  • Beliefs
    • Jewish beliefs
  • Subdivisions
    • Reform Judaism