Quiz/Test/Exam Scores
Important: Make sure you also read the TEST NOTES at the top of your test scores page (link below) that explain how your FINAL scores were arrived at. 

Folks, someone complained about posting person numbers on the internet (even though they are not attached to names). So, the school has asked me to remove your person numbers from the internet. I am still trying to figure out how else to communicate your bonus points to you. You can of course access your original scores via Blackboard.
  • All Scores (machine graded) 


Formula for calculating your final course grade (per syllabus)

First, ignore the raw scores posted on Blackboard (use the upgraded scores).

Second, after all scores have been posted on this page at the end of the semester, convert the scores for the three items below to percentages (if that has not been done already on the test scores page).

(A) Tests/quizzes (percent average of all scores--excluding Test 5), worth 65%, so multiply by 0.65
(B) Test 5 worth 20%, so multiply by 0.2  (NOTE: if you did the term paper, then it must be averaged with Test 5 score.)

(C) Final Exam worth 15%, so multiply by 0.15

 And then add together all scores for the three items. Finally, look up the points equivalent for letter grades on the preceding page, or on the test scores page, or here, to determine your course grade.

An easy way to do the above calculations is to use this formula in the WolframAlpha computational engine available here.