Spices and the Columbian Exhange

Why Christopher Columbus and other Europeans were so obsessed with spices from Asia

Make sure that you note down the ingredients in a recipe you are assigned to view; I may ask you questions about them. Note, if you are from the Caribbean or East/Southern Africa: No, No, No! The recipes and most of the spices for curries originally came from India (not Africa). Hello.... Wake up and smell the curry! (Do not steal other people's inventions/creations and claim them to be your own!)


Curry Powder

A1) Homemade Curry Powder: Variation I

A2) Homemade Curry Powder: Variation II

A3) How to Make Sense of East Indian Spices

Gharam Masala

A4) Homemade Gharam Masala: Variation I

A5) Homemade Gharam Masala: Variation II

A6) Difference between Curry Powder and Gharam Masala: read this document.

Vegetarian Vegetable Curry

B1) Variation I: http://youtu.be/hNBw9nyR5g0

B2) Variation II: http://youtu.be/KVQz0gxKtOE

B3) Variation III: http://youtu.be/gfHCiy-8fzc

B4) Variation IV: http://youtu.be/kMMzs54f75c

Spicy Tea (Chai)

C1) Variation I: http://youtu.be/yR6I1ebjUwU

C2) Variation II: http://youtu.be/wL5CWiBiJRo

Spicy Veggie Burger

D1) Variation I: http://youtu.be/W5Z8W35FEzg

D2) Variation II (McDonald's India version): http://youtu.be/rjYNmCZWCs0

D3) Variation III (U.S. style: Whole Foods Market version) NOTE: This assignment includes identifying the origins of all the ingredients used  by consulting the chart on select food origins in Reading M-1 of Part A of Online Course Materials.